Light the decorative frosted mix color dripped beeswax Hanukkah candles in your own home. If you are traveling out of town, set up your menorah wherever you will be staying for the night. If you will be spending the night in a Jewish home, you have the option of giving your host a dollar or so, a symbolic contribution towards the menorah expenses, and then you are covered by his/her menorah lighting – or better yet, light your own menorah too. Two candles are more powerful than one!
The Chanukah menorah (also known as a Hanukkah) is lit around nightfall each of the eight nights of Chanukah. Every night, another candle is added, so that on the eighth night all eight candles (plus one helper) are burning bright. The decorative frosted mix color dripped beeswax Hanukkah candles are beautiful for your Hanukkah. Looking forward to your bulk orders.
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